figdays: “Cryptozoology” Pin // FaunaObscuraShop 1….


“Cryptozoology” Pin // FaunaObscuraShop

1. Mothman

2. Jersey Devil

3. Loch Ness

historical-nonfiction: It a sacred Tibetan dance ritual, coming…


It a sacred Tibetan dance ritual, coming from Himalayan Buddhist traditions. It reflects how everything is transitory including one’s body. The monk pictured in the above photo seems to be performing the dance known as Durdak Garcham, or “Dance of the Lords of the Cemetery.” Durdak Garcham celebrates the liberation that comes from acceptance of our impermanence. Traditionally danced by a couple, the Lord and Lady of the Charnel Ground, they dance the eternal dance of death. And, it is hoped, their dance ends with the attainment of perfect consciousness which frees one from the dance forever.

Taken in 1925, these photographs were published in National Geographic in its November 1928 issue.

bughaze: Unique images bring fossil insects back to lifeA…


Unique images bring fossil insects back to life

A ground breaking new book that brings together two of the major disciplines behind Jurassic Park is aiming to raise the profile of insect fossils through stunning photographs and unique illustrations.

Fossil Insects, by Dr David Penney and James E Jepson, details the incredible preservation and diversity of fossilised insects from around the world, setting the scene for what these remarkable fossils can tell us about the ancient and modern worlds, and even the future of our planet. Like the mosquito in Jurassic Park, many of the hundreds of thousands of specimens of ancient insect have been preserved in amber. 


superheroesincolor: Black Panther #5 (2018)  //  Marvel…


Black Panther #5 (2018)  //  Marvel Comics

T’Challa and the rebels finally have the tools they need to recover the memories the Empire stripped from them — but not everyone thinks the past is worth saving. Especially in the face of the Empire’s swift and merciless vengeance. But for T’Challa, there is only one path forward. And it may mean rebellion against his own.

Story: Ta-Nehisi Coates, art: Daniel Acuña

Get the comics here

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cosmicvastness: NGC 604 — a gigantic gas cloud in the…


NGC 604 — a gigantic gas cloud in the Triangulum Galaxy

This image shows NGC 604, located within the Triangulum Galaxy. Some 1500 light-years across, this is one of the largest, brightest concentrations of ionised hydrogen (H II) in our Local Group of galaxies, and it is a major centre of star formation.

The gas in NGC 604, around nine-tenths of which is hydrogen, is gradually collapsing under the force of gravity to create new stars. Once these stars have formed, the energetic ultraviolet radiation they emit excites the remaining gas in the cloud.

Credit: NASA, ESA, and M. Durbin, J. Dalcanton, and B. F. Williams (University of Washington)