cosmicvastness: Little gemThis colourful bubble is a…


Little gem

This colourful bubble is a planetary nebula called NGC 6818, also known as the Little Gem Nebula. It is located in the constellation of Sagittarius (The Archer), roughly 6000 light-years away from us. The rich glow of the cloud is just over half a light-year across — humongous compared to its tiny central star — but still a little gem on a cosmic scale.

When stars like the Sun enter retirement, they shed their outer layers into space to create glowing clouds of gas called planetary nebulae. This ejection of mass is uneven, and planetary nebulae can have very complex shapes. NGC 6818 shows knotty filament-like structures and distinct layers of material, with a bright and enclosed central bubble surrounded by a larger, more diffuse cloud.

Scientists believe that the stellar wind from the central star propels the outflowing material, sculpting the elongated shape of NGC 6818. As this fast wind smashes through the slower-moving cloud it creates particularly bright blowouts at the bubble’s outer layers.

Credit: ESA/Hubble & NASA

oscarjoyo: supersonicart: Oscar Joyo, Recent Work. Recent work…



Oscar Joyo, Recent Work.

Recent work by the always fantastic Oscar Joyo (Previously on Supersonic Art).

Be sure to follow Supersonic Art on Instagram!

AHHH,I’m super happy and honoured to be featured on Supersonic Art again. I’ve been following this site since college and they’ve always had amazing artists on the platform. Thank you so much,Zach for the feature.

majikalconcepts: “Come On Feet [Remix] (produced by Madlib)” by…


“Come On Feet [Remix] (produced by Madlib) by Quasimoto & Madlib    

“Come on feet, cruise for me, do your thang, trouble ain’t no place to be, come on feet, do ya thang, aw nah, you all know why he’s gained, come on legs, come on run, guilty what’d he say you’ve done, come on knees, don’t be mean, come on knees, cause that ain’t the first red you’ve ever seen, come on feet, do ya thang, come on baby, don’t cop out on me, come on baby, don’t give in on me, come on legs, come on cruise for me”