SAUCER KOMMAND 2022-06-24 20:13:48


“Time is a fractal.

Time is a fractal, or has a fractal structure. All times, moments, months and millennia, have a pattern; the same pattern. This pattern is the structure within which, upon which, events “undergo the formality of actually occurring,” as Whitehead used to say.

The pattern recurs on every level. A love affair, the fall of an empire, the death agony of a protozoan, all occur within the context of this always the same but ever different pattern.

All events are resonances of other events, in other parts of time, and at other scales of time.” - Terence McKenna.

SAUCER KOMMAND 2022-06-21 11:08:30


You’re witnessing the Universe’s frescos on the humble person of Jupiter. On the last photo, you observe a love story between the magnetic field of a pole and charged particules of the deep wild space. Their rotative dance is so passionate that it glows, crowning Jupiter of their love.