pangeen: “ A Massive “Tornado” of plasma about 14 earths…


“ A Massive “Tornado” of plasma about 14 earths tall. “

The solar Corona is actually invisible optically against the glare of the sun, so to get a scientifically plausible look at it, we used NASA’s SOHO data as a reference to geometrically transform Jason’s 2017 eclipse photo to match the features. The result is a blend of science and art

// Andrew McCarthy

superheroesincolor: Black From the Future: A Collection of…


Black From the Future: A Collection of Black Speculative Writing (2019)

Black From the Future: A Collection of Black Speculative Writing encompasses the broad spectrum of Black speculative writing, including science fiction, fantasy, magical realism, and Afrofuturism, all by Black women writers. Editors Stephanie Andrea Allen and Lauren Cherelle have gathered the voices of twenty emerging and established writers in speculative fiction and poetry; writers who’ve imagined the weird and the wondrous, the futuristic and the fantastical, the shadowy and the sublime.

by Stephanie Andrea Allen (Author, Editor), Lauren Cherelle (Editor)

Get it here

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ce-sac-contient: Ludwig Deutsch (1855-1935) – A Dealer in…


Ludwig Deutsch (1855-1935) - A Dealer in Artefacts, Paris, 1887

Oil on panel (40.6 x 28.3 cm)


Si vous marchez dehors, à cette heure et en ce lieu, c’est que vous désirez quelque chose que vous n’avez pas, et cette chose, moi, je peux vous la fournir ; car si je suis à cette place depuis plus longtemps que vous et pour plus longtemps que vous, et que même cette heure qui est celle des rapports sauvages entre les hommes et les animaux ne m’en chasse pas, c’est que j’ai ce qu’il faut pour satisfaire le désir qui passe devant moi, et c’est comme un poids dont il faut que je me débarrasse sur quiconque, homme ou animal, qui passe devant moi. ❞

Bernard-Marie KoltèsDans la solitude des champs de coton (1987)

SAUCER KOMMAND 2023-04-30 20:43:55


Oh to be a Dumbo Octopus without a care 🐙

The dumbo octopus (Grimpoteuthis) is a deep sea animal that lives on the ocean floor at extreme depths of 9,800 to 13,000 feet.

Females usually find a mate around their second birthday and take a seamen packet from the male so they can fertilize their eggs on the go when they please. They can even get pregnant while being pregnant, they’re basically always pregnant.

Love to sea it 🌊