SAUCER KOMMAND 2022-07-21 19:30:21


Ra (Egyptian Sun God)
“Ra-Harakhty-Atum, Lord of the two Lands of On-Heliopolis, Khepry” (falcon-headed, wearing the Solar Crown encircled by an Uraeus, and holding the Ankh) in His sacred barque.Detail from the “House o Eternity” of Sennedjem, West ‘Uaset’-Thebes
Atum, Ra and Khepry

SAUCER KOMMAND 2022-07-17 08:12:33



Stephan’s Quintet is a visual group: 4 of these galaxies are interacting, and one them (the leftmost) is much closer to us then the others. JWST’s powerful infrared camera, combined with high-resolution spectrographers, will provide astronomers with data to better understand the physical processes involved in the interaction of galaxies, which could answer many questions about how galaxies evolve.

Using the Medium Resolution Spectrometer, part of the Mid Ifrared Instrument (MIRI), JWST obtained integral field spectroscopic data from the gas around a supermassive black hole (SMBH), allowing for a spatially resolved view of the composition of the gas.

SAUCER KOMMAND 2022-07-16 18:46:46


The Tree of Life and Four Worlds
1.Azilut (Emanation) - the eternal unchanging Divine world
2.Beriah (Creation) - considered “Heaven” proper, it is the first separation from the Divine, and “location” of the Throne of God and archangels
3.Yezirah (Formation) - the abode of the “lower angels,” men’s souls and the Garden of Eden
4.Asiyyah (Action) - the material universe in which we live.