Lions Gate Portal Talon Abraxas


The Lionsgate 88 Portal is activated by the numerology of 8/8, the Sun in Leo Season, and the rising of the star, Sirius. This combination of energy opens a galactic portal that allows high vibrational energy to be sent to Earth, which we can all tune in and connect with.

Lions Gate Portal
Talon Abraxas

Egyptian Tree of Life To the Ancient Egyptians, the Tree of Life represented the hierarchical chain…


Egyptian Tree of Life
To the Ancient Egyptians, the Tree of Life represented the hierarchical chain of events that brought everything into existence. The spheres of the Tree of Life demonstrate the order, process, and method of creation. In Egyptian mythology, the first couple (earth and sky). They were said to have emerged from the acacia tree of Iusaaset, which the Egyptians considered the tree of life, referring to it as the “tree in which life and death are enclosed.” Some theorize this is actually a representation of Ayahuasca.