SAUCER KOMMAND 2021-08-29 20:11:34


Credit:  Tiger Tateishi aka Taiga Tateishi aka  立石タイガー (Fukuoka, Japan 1941-1998.   First image:  Composition, 1969 [used as cover of Tora : Tiger Tateishi super multi dimension, Tōkyō : Kōsakusha, 2010].  Second image:  Wind God, Thunder God and the Shadow Fuji, 1991, oil on canvas, triptycheach: 145 x 89.5 cm. (57 1/8 x 35 ¼ in.)overall: 145 x 268.5 cm. (57 1/8 x 105 ¾ in.), thanks to @christiesinc for the tip.   Third image:  Ventilated tiger, 1992, thanks to @yamamoto_gendai for the tip. 

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