thelightofthecenter: Anubis – The Seekers Path- Knowledge of…


Anubis - The Seekers Path- Knowledge of What is Real and What is Not

“Anpu (Greek Anubis) is the son of Asar (Greek Osiris) and Nebethet (Greek Nephthys). He is the embalmer of the deceased (spiritual aspirant) and symbolizes the guide to the initiate, the trained intellect of the aspirant, who is dead to the wisdom of divine reality and hopes to be resurrected (to discover divine reality). This implies the ability to discipline one’s mind and body so as to not get caught up in the illusions or emotions of the mind. When the mind and its wavelike thought vibrations are under control, the way is open to spiritual realization in an atmosphere of peace and harmony. This peace and harmony do not necessarily imply an outer situation of calm. It does imply an inward peace which comes from understanding the implications of the wisdom teachings. Anpu represents the dawn when darkness turns to light. He watches over the balance (scales) in the hall of judgment of the Prt m Hru with extreme diligence, and in the aspect of Apuat, he is the Opener of the Ways who leads souls to the Elysian Fields in the Great Oasis. Therefore, his great quality of discriminative knowledge allows the aspirant to diligently watch the mind in order to promote thoughts which are divinely inspired (Shemsu Hor - follower of Heru), instead of those which are egoistic (Setian) and tending toward nature and its perils (life, death, pain, pleasure, etc.). Anpu, as the son of Nebethet and Asar, is therefore, a combination of gross nature (Nebethet) and the Spirit (Asar).      It is Anpu who leads the souls to the abode of the Supreme Being in the Prt m Hru by constantly urging them to awaken from the dream of the world process and its illusions. Thus, in this aspect, Anpu should be considered as the original Angel of Death.”

Muata Ashby - Egyptian Book of the Dead, The Book of Coming Forth By Day

Image Credit - Anubis by Edwarddelandreart

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